I was quite impressed with Judy. I have always thought that it must be difficult to be a politician. There aren't many jobs with worse reputations than that. How do you maintain your integrity, express you personal beliefs and try to represent thousands of people who all say different things? I think Judy does a pretty good job at it.
She expressed the frustrations that can occur when dealing with bureaucracy and making changes happen. I wonder if it is because a certain type of person usually goes into politics and the people who are forward thinking are wary of going that way. If more people like Judy were elected, we might not have to complain about how slow change happens. I think she has a great opportunity in this area to be a forward thinking community. There are allot of people in the Vic area that are miles ahead of most of the rest of Canada, sustainability wise. There needs to be more people in areas like this to push the issue because other communities with less forward thinking citizens might find it easier to follow suit after Saanich does it first.
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1 comment:
So why is she resisting change by attacking the reform mayor Atwell and defending improper IT practices?
Keith Sketchley
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